Apex High School’s GSA Returns After COVID-19 Hiatus

On April 20th, the Apex High chapter of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance, or GSA, held their first meeting since March of 2020. While most of Apex High’s clubs have been able to meet virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, the GSA had been inactive throughout most of the 2020-2021 school year.

GSAs are student-run organizations that aim to build community among LGBTQ+ youth and their allies in middle and high schools. Each GSA is different, choosing to focus on either socialization, support, or activism. At Apex High, the GSA has served as a forum for discussion on issues pertaining to the LGBTQ+ community as well as a safe space for students to explore their own identities. 

Like other clubs, the GSA has had to make some changes to the way it operates in order to accommodate COVID-19 protocols. Meetings now take place in a hybrid setting, with some students attending in person and others attending remotely via Google Meet.

In spite of challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the return of the GSA is an important step toward normalcy for the students of Apex High. The mental health impacts of isolation have been a struggle for many, so the ability to once again participate in activities outside of the classroom is more crucial than ever. This is especially true for this school year’s incoming freshman, who may not have had access to an LGBTQ+ space in the past.

Any Apex High School students interested in joining the GSA can join the Remind by texting “@apexhighgsa” to 81010. Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 2:30 in room 2416 and Google Meet codes for those who wish to attend remotely are sent out via Remind.

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